Full Moon No. 23, Spring


Crop of GROUND+CENTER Unboxed
No.1 : Spring 2018
“I want to stand by the river in my finest dress. I want to sing, strong and hard, and stomp my feet with a hundred others so that the waters hum with our happiness. I want to dance for the renewal of the world.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
 Hi darling

I’m honored to have contributed to the Jai-Dee Dancewear blog as a guest writer. I love supporting companies that have values so closely aligned with my own, and a consciousness around sustainability for our earth and all life we share it with is something I find lacking in the dance world greatly. In this piece of writing, I share my musings on how my path as a dancer has evolved as my understanding of what it means to be human continues to be unearthed over the years.

Here's a little note from Kath, owner of Jai-Dee Dancewear, to guide you into my writing:

Finding freedom within restraint is undeniably part of the art - perhaps even the heart of it. But when we spiral so deeply into the maze that we can't feel the ground, see the sky or access the field where we first felt free, we know we have given too much up.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Today on our blog, Jessica McCarthy guides us out of the maze and into alchemy. You don't want to miss this one - Jessica has a beautiful way of guiding us out of “the box”


Change Is Constant: An Ode to the Evolution as a Dancer

Are we human, or are we dancer? Mull over the question for yourself while reading, and please do share your thoughts, spark a conversation with me, and take my words to heart.
May the dance of each day connect you more deeply to your human spirit.

Luminous love,

sensual essence - a women's gathering

Thursday May 2nd 6pm - 8pm 


view invitation with details + rsvp

Gathering in circle to celebrate the blossoming of the spring season through our senses, we will work with plant medicine by exploring a wide array of essential oils from an intuitive and knowledge-based perspective to craft our own personal essence blend.

Intro to Essential Oils: A Sensory Experience

May 12th 1pm - 3pm at The Grinning Yogi

$20 members / $30 drop in


Register here

Circle up with Jessica for an afternoon, where you will work with plant medicine by exploring a wide array of essential oils from an intuitive and knowledge-based perspective. She will guide you through breath work and gentle movement to connect more deeply with your body and breath. Awakening your senses and aligning with the spring element of air, you will become acquainted with a wide array of "mystery" essential oils through your sense of smell, memory, and emotion. After sharing your personal experiences with each oil, she will reveal each of the oils and provide insights into applications of mind, body, and spirit for each to assist you in the creation of your very own personal Essence blend. Each of you will blend a signature scent, filled with your intentions, to work with throughout the spring season and beyond.
Stay luminous!
This is Lumen Letters, a writing platform where I share my thoughts on holistically human living. Hopefully, you find the general information in this letter informative and helpful, but it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.
Copyright © 2019 Luminous Architecture, All rights reserved.
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