New Moon No. 8, Fall
Despite fall being my favorite season, I can promise you I am not making out with a quintessential fall leaf in this photo. Just casually sippin' on some sweet spring water from Mt. Slide's spring in the Catskills! Now that I have your attention, read my Lumen Letter for reflection, earthing, and Otherworldliness!
Full Moon No. 9, Fall
Full moon + full life = short & sweet Lumen Letter. Calling on my multi-armed, grounded through the frenzy spirit totem to stay fluid in motion these next few weeks. If you're testing the waters of how much you can bite off this fall season, then I suggest you do the same
New Moon No. 7, Summer
I give to you a spread of abundant offerings for harvesting this fall season!
Whether locally sippin' on a pumpkin spice latte (not recommended) in NYC or on the other side of the globe, this Lumen Letter has somethin' to make your transition into fall that much sweeter. Gratitude practices, workshop + specialty series, & Luminous Elixirs seasonal blends
Full Moon No. 8, Summer
Long time, no see my darlings!
The lull of summer is slipping away, I’m back in Brooklyn after my nearly two month hiatus, and I’m ready to dive into the focused energy of fall.
But first, we’ve got some serious catching up to do…
A poetic musing of my summer, this letter cues you into the ground I covered during my time away from NYC.
New Moon No. 6, Spring
"A weed is a plant whose virtue is not yet known."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This new moon's Lumen Letter explores my growing interest in foraging and plant medicine - natural nootropics, nutritious movement & wildcrafting sage bundles.
Full Moon No. 7, Spring
Smallclothes. Intimate things. Skivvies. Underoos. Panties.
Whatever you want to call them, that’s what it all started with.
What is IT, you ask?
IT is my search for eco-conscious, ethically sourced & crafted slow fashion garments to adorn my sacred temple of a body with. And don’t get me wrong…you don’t have to sit lotus style in a yoga studio all day, every day chanting into crystals until your body miraculously transcends into a sacred temple where people journey to imbibe hallucinogenic plant teachers like Ayahuasca until they too transcend their bodies into sacred temples to appreciate your own body as a sacred temple. Love my hippies, heck I am one, but I want to communicate these concepts in accessible ways no matter how you choose to spend your days.
Full Moon No. 6, Spring
Hello lovelies!
I can't help but smile as the sun shines upon me and I witness the beauty of the natural world around me - budding and blossoming; each element, each life form experiencing it's process of growth in their own sense of timing and unique expression. The season of spring holds promise for the potential that resides within all of us.